World Stage

Davos - Jan 17, 2024
Recap Video
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Imagination In Action proudly presents the distinguished speakers who shared their insights and expertise at our event. These influential leaders in innovation and technology provided attendees with unparalleled inspiration and knowledge. Here are a few of the exceptional speakers who graced our stage:
Meredith Whittaker
Signal Foundation
Yann LeCun
VP & Chief AI Scientist,
Mark Gorenberg
MIT Corporation
Daniela Rus
Director CSAIL & EECS, Professor,
Andrew Ng
Harrick Vin
Tata Consultancy Services
Randall Lane
Editor & Chief Content Officer,
Jane Metcalfe
Human Immunome Project

Panel Highlight

Watch the Davos summit panel where AI leaders Yann LeCun, Daniela Rus, Connor Leahy, and Stuart Russell, moderated by Max Tegmark, discuss AI’s future, ethical considerations, and necessary safeguards. Explore diverse perspectives and frameworks for responsible AI development.

Revisit the Excitement

Revisit the excitement and inspiration of AI Frontiers & Implications- June 2024. Immerse yourself in dynamic discussions, impactful keynote speeches, and engaging workshops, all meticulously captured in our collection of photos and talk videos.

Attendee Insights

Hear from some of our amazing attendees.
The Imagination in Action event in Davos was nothing short of incredible! The caliber of speakers and the innovative ideas presented left me inspired and motivated. It was a rare opportunity to engage with visionaries from around the globe, and the synergy with the World Economic Forum made it even more impactful.
Attending Imagination in Action Davos 2024 was a game-changer for me. The blend of global leaders and cutting-edge technology discussions created an electric atmosphere. The insights I gained and the connections I made are invaluable. Truly an amazing experience!
Imagination in Action Davos exceeded all my expectations. The event was a melting pot of brilliant minds and forward-thinking ideas. The collaboration with MIT’s technology and science leaders added a unique depth to the discussions. It was an extraordinary event that I’m grateful to have been part of.
Being part of Imagination in Action Davos 2024 was an unforgettable experience. The event was perfectly timed with the World Economic Forum, providing a rich context for the discussions. The energy, innovation, and collaboration were truly inspiring. I left feeling empowered to drive change in my own field.
Imagination in Action in Davos was a phenomenal event. The lineup of speakers and the interactive sessions were both enlightening and engaging. The fusion of global business leaders and MIT experts fostered an environment of innovation and progress. I’m already looking forward to the next one!
Imagination in Action Davos 2024 was one of the best events I’ve attended. The diversity of thought leaders and the groundbreaking ideas shared were beyond impressive. The event’s alignment with the World Economic Forum brought an additional layer of significance. It was an amazing experience that has left a lasting impression on me.

Relive Our Past Events

Discover the highlights from our previous summits. Dive into a rich archive of videos, photos, and session recordings that capture the essence of innovation and collaboration.

Enterprise 2024

Imagination In Action’s “Forging The Future Of Business With AI,” hosted with Forbes, gathered AI leaders at MIT to discuss AI’s business impact.

Academics 2024

MIT CSAIL partnered with Imagination in Action: AI Frontier & Implications to inspire AI startups with expert speakers, panels, and networking.